[Dear Readers, I bet you're thinking "Hey Stranger!" Right?! I know it's been quite awhile since I was found around here.
It has been a tremendously full and blessed season -- one I haven't had time to put properly into words, but also one with limited wifi. Hoping to be found on here regularly once more in a month or so. For a brief update on life, keep reading below!]
Hello, new friends! I am Chelsea Mills -- chelsea_pea on Instagram and Twitter.
A brown-eyed, bare-foot creative. Delighted in book stores, at home in the country and generally located behind a camera or a book. // Currently residing in Wisconsin, turned 21 at the start of the month, finished remodeling my first house and have been settling in since September, really loving Spotify lately and Chocolate Peppermint tea from a local tea shoppe.
downloaded from a newsletter of Blaine Hogan's // http://blainehogan.com |
Ever since I took the Influence Network class "God + Making Better Art" this quote has been ringing through my mind. I'm a story collecter (listener), a story preserver (journaler), and a story teller (writer, speaker, photographer, singer, musician, poet, artist...). I have recognized a pattern in my life regarding stories. The Lord speaks in specific and heart-deep ways to individuals whose paths cross mine through personal stories from my life. With expectant heart and tuned ear I sit down with people and I listen and I tuck away and when the Lord whispers "Oh, tell them the story about the time when..." I obey. It is a beautiful thing to watch Him sculpt the pattern of tales, order the flow of them, lead me in the amount of detail needed, and show me what to emphasize for each unique soul to meet them where they are at. As an introverted, private and shy person it has been stretching to learn how to be vulnerable enough to welcome others in -- into my story, into my life, into my heart. But as a lover of people it has been worth every stretch mark.
I have a whole new season of life unfolding before my eyes and it is brim-full of fresh + rich + very personal stories. I know that the Lord desires to share these stories through me in the proper time and place. They seem so delicate right now, as vulnerable as a silky cocoon hanging from a leaf, and I am a little nervous that they will still be too fresh to share when the conference rolls around. Although, knowing my Lord and His perfect timing I'm venturing a guess that they will just be emerging as glorious winged creatures by the end of March.
I call myself a story teller, an artist, but I am still very timid in my creativity. I have a pool of undeveloped creative skills. With the gentle + dedicated + consistent hand of my Lord drawing out the fullness of what He created me to be paired with the collaboration + support + encouragement of the Hope Spoken community I hope that pool's depths will be plumbed in 2013 and the years to follow!
Random Fact: I bought these sunglasses when I was fourteen. Yes, I still have them. Yes, I still think they are more "me" than any other pair of sunglasses I have come across.
Also, you may observe that I am inseparable from my phone these days. Guess that happens when your best friend is in school eighteen hours away from you. You can just ask me how Zachary is doing if you notice me checking my screen frequently. ;)