1. How did you and Luke meet?
My soul sister, Kelsey, who I originally met in Windsor, CO in 2010 and have been best friends with ever since -- from her single years through to marriage and cross-country moves, missions and motherhood -- introduced us in September '15 at church on a Sunday when I was visiting my family in Eau Claire, WI.

Everything -- I mean everything -- changes when you join two separate lives together as one. That's wild. So is the grace that enables us to transition seamlessly, communicate with transparency, love each other well, and take the time to laugh (and sob as well) as we learn all the newness. At the same time, being married is the most natural thing Ive done in life. Strong words, but really. I was made for this. We're just getting to know each other and there are so many surreal moments where I look at him -- a man I hoped at best just to be friends with for life and follow along with his journey -- and soak in the fact that not only do I get to see Luke Osicka everyday, I'm MRS Osicka. Its wonderful. While I don't know him inside and out yet, I DO know him. Kels said of us after only seeing he and I in the same room two times, "I just cant picture him with anyone else, or you with anyone else. Give him a chance." Each day I am more honored, humbled, and humored by how accurate and prophetic her words were. Married life is very normal, quite special, beautifully refining, and uniquely fun. We were definitely ready, never question that we made the right choice, and we don't know what we are doing. We're enjoying it all.
3. Do you have any wedding pictures?
Not on me usually! Maybe I should change that. Our friend Ryan Lucas (ryanlucasphoto.com) took incredible photos of our wedding day. You can see the recap post of our wedding day here. We also have a gorgeous video of the day to share in the near future by the gifted Mr and Mrs Chitwood (vimeo.com/chitwoodmedia). Stay tuned!
4. Did I hear you're moving?
Haha! Its amazing how word travels. We are ever on the move, wherever the Spirit leads. We live in a location as long as He has us and we are quick to let go of it and follow Him when He leads elsewhere. We're getting better at keeping updates fresh. Thanks for following along!
Oh, yes!
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