There on my right, my Strength + Authority, on Him I lean + after Him I follow. He is my all + my chief delight. My Husband, I focus on Him + our life, we focus on ministry.
There on My left, My chosen one + resting place, she leans on Me + after Me she follows. She is My Body + I withhold no good from her. My Bride, she is My own, and My heart is toward her.
I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. // You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fulness of joy, at Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore. (Psalm16:8, 11 AMP)
This life we live together isn't focused inward, on "me", on how "my" needs are or aren't being met. We are focused on each other + on those around us. Love doesn't give to get in return, it just gives.
So I forget my own life, like He forgets His, and in place I focus my life on Him -- as He set the example of that for me. But while we are focused outward, He and I, seeking first the Kingdom, He never looks away from me -- His Bride.
Love will make you do crazy things and My Love for her never fades, it's condition-less + relentless. We were separated and I couldn't bear it. I went to the grave + back again just to create the opportunity for us to draw near each other. She accepted My pursuit and I made her Mine, she took on My Name. I know her intimately -- what delights her, where she is weak, how she bears burdens. Out of everything I am I nourish and cherish her. I clothe her in dignity + strength. I am acquainted with every little need of hers, not one escapes my sight, and I provide for them. I protect her with My presence and with everything at my disposal. I catch her tears, not one falls to the ground. We have a mission in this life together and that is what we focus ourselves on, but don't think for a second that I am ever unaware of her. My eyes are fixed on her. I couldn't pull Myself away if I tried. Did you really think this great Love I have for her would settle into mediocrity once I was always with her? I am never not pursuing her heart. I'm attentive to even her silent cries. She is Mine to care for and I don't take that for granted. It's my greatest joy and honor to sacrifice everything to love her well. I literally gave My life to win her, yes, and she daily gives her life for Me and My work in this world, but My giving wasn't a one-time deal, its Who I am, its what I do. I will always be giving Myself to her.
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