The Little House is all packed up, my bags are situated in my vehicle, goodbyes have been said and hugs have been given generously. I'm leaving on my New Jersey adventure and I don't know when/if I will be back. The 20hr journey is being broken into more swallowable pieces and spread out over the span of the whole month of January. This is a glimpse of the adventure...
January 4th I will drive away from what I call my "hometown" though only six of my twenty-one years were spent here and head to Ohio. There I will be reunited with my dear friend, Samantha, who was my roommate throughout our trip to India a year ago and has since gotten married. (I am excited to meet AJ, Sam! Thanks for opening your home to me for an overnight.)
January 5th the road will lead me to the Bordas residence. After two months I will get to see the dear man's face once more. Visiting his momma and him for a couple of days will no doubt be the highlight of my journey. (So we missed celebrating the New Year together by a couple of days this year... Maybe we can pretend we didn't and re-celebrate it once I arrive?)
January 12th I will be welcomed into the warm embrace of the Whitted family at long last. It's been like two years since I said goodbye to them and promised I'd be back. (Better late than never, right, guys?)
January 18th -- my Daddy's birthday! -- for the first time my vehicle will roll onto the roads that will soon be as familiar to it as the streets of Eau Claire are. What I am sure will be a whirlwind week will commence upon arrival. Introductions, tours, unpacking, exploration and a short adventure into NYC. I can hardly wait to uncover soon-to-be favorite places and get connected with numerous lives yet unknown to me.
Goodbyes are leaving my heart tender and sore, but the bright promise of this taken-chance puts a gleam in my welling-up eyes. My family and I knew that my pioneering-feet were going to venture out into the world beyond my comfort-zone sooner or later -- it just happened to be sooner!
Life-changing, that is what this move is going to be. I don't know what all it will entail, but I know I will be stretched + surprised + delighted. Quite the kick-off to a New Year!
"I'm going on an adventure!" // bilbo baggins
Chelsea, I am CRAZY excited for this new chapter of your life. Seriously giddy for you! Please blog often so I can keep up with your story?? Much love!