My trusty old CRV is packed and waiting to take me away come Sunday. We're saying goodbye to New Jersey and the lovelies we have met here, and heading to Pennsylvania for awhile. Zachary has a little less than two months of school left up in Clarks Summit and what comes after graduation is still a mystery. I'll be living in his hometown of Wallaceton with his dear Mother, waiting to see, in the meantime. Being asked to leave my host home didn't feel good but what a disguised blessing it turned out to be. To have the door close on a living situation that doesn't suit freed me to accept an invitation to move into a place that feels like home and where who I am fits, and that isn't a bad thing at all. Five hours is too far away to continue to work at Growville, finish taking my watercolor class or go to small group each week, but some relationships are only meant to last a short season, while others are a practice in staying intentional across the miles. It's all part of the adventure.

I'm so glad for the opportunity to stay out East, so close to the cities and the coast, and I am thrilled to get to live in PA rather than just visiting it. Every time I pass into PA from NJ during my travels the beauty of the woods and valleys delights me and I wish I was surrounded by it more often. There are half a dozen little towns and malls and golf courses and suburbs within a twenty minutes of me here in Jersey so after the challenge and adventure of living in this shopping center + four-lane highway area a small town will be a very different adventure, but it will be a much more familiar one.
Bring on the spring planting, dog walking, backyard grilling and driving down back roads with the windows rolled down!
Miss you dearly, but am so delighted for you as you begin a new adventure! Praying for you as always my friend :)