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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

All I really want for Christmas...

All I really want for Christmas is...

* For every boy to grow into a man of God and to lay down his life daily for those around him, in his family, the Church, those in need and those who have never heard of his King. That he would die to himself, follow the narrow way and not the pattern of this world in his work and relationships and in the winning and treasuring of his future wife's heart.
* For every Daddy in the world to be the spiritual head of his home, loveeee his children and train them up in the fear of the Lord, and set an example for his children in his marriage to their Mommy of how to serve, honor, treasure and love as Christ does His Bride.
* For every girl to know intimately the One who calls her His beloved, to get totally wrapped up in Him during singleness, to set herself apart for her future husband before she ever meets him and make the pursuit of her Lord and not the pursuit of a earthly lover her heart's desire. To pour her life out for her King through serving and loving her family, the Church, her husband -- one day, those in need, and those who have never heard of her King.
* For every Mommy to be a picture of surrender, joyful service, steady trust and undying love for the Lord... that she would be a worthy example to her little ones and a heavenly blessing to her spouse all the days of his life, and that she would die daily to herself to love and raise all the children the Lord gives her.
* For every child alone, abandoned, forgotten, unwanted, discarded, orphaned, sold, enslaved, abused, and harassed by the Enemy to know the freedom that comes through the One who is with them wherever they go, will never leave or forsake them, knows everything about them and hears every little prayer they utter, died to pay the price of atonement for their filthy souls that they might draw near to the Father, will go to whatever length (no matter how great) to find and gather them under His wing, is ready and willing to adopt them as His own, purchases them from slavery to set them free, jealously guards and lovingly chastises His own, and is far greater and more powerful than the prince of the earth.
* For truth, love and hope to shine far and wide, piercing the deepest, blackest corners of the world -- for the glory of the Worthy One.
* For His kingdom to come in my life (redemption), in the Church (revival), in the world.
* For it to be evident in my life and countenance Who my soul loves.
* For the King to return.

But if just ONE boy grows into a man of God and goes on to live for Him...
if just ONE daddy rises up and is all that the Lord intended a husband and father to be to his wife and children...
if just ONE girl becomes her Beloved's and her life bears much fruit...
if just ONE mommy sets a heavenly example of what a wife and mother was designed by God to be...
if just ONE child is scooped up into the loving embrace of his Father for the first time in his life...
if the light penetrates just ONE little life in one little corner of this dark world...
if just ONE is moved to love Him Whom my soul loves by encountering Him in me...
I would rejoice with all of heaven!

What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost. I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.
Luke 15:4-7 

And like a child who asks for the things they desire, I will ask my Father for these, reminding Him of my wishes at every opportunity, until I receive them. Whatever I ask for in Jesus name [in accordance with His character and nature], believing, I will receive. And just as your neighbor, though tucked snug in bed for the night, will get up and give you what you need if you persist in asking, much more will my Father answer the wishes of my heart that are in alignment with the wishes of His heart. 

There are millions of children who just want love for Christmas, just want a Dad, a Mom, a big brother or sister...
So, here is to getting everything on your Christmas list from your Father who delights to give good and perfect gifts to His children! The Father of the fatherless is with them this Christmas and everyday of their lives.
Who will tell them this Good News?
Who will love them?

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