Why are children preyed upon? Like women, they tend to be most vulnerable. Easy to take advantage of. In order for us to truly advocate for them we need to stop sowing into streams of business that rely on taking advantage of that vulnerability.
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credit: Blog for Asia |
Spheres of people especially targeted are impoverished families or foreigners -- immigrant or refugee. When there is war, there are refugees. We are seeing an influx of them as a result of unrest around the world. That may seem far away but these are our neighbors, our brothers. To remove their vulnerability from them and intimidate darkness away from them with light... see, this issue and battle is a spiritual one that merely manifests in the physical... we get to bind the forces of darkness in prayer and advance and take the ground back from them, setting captives free, with hands-on love, in so many ways.
We may think the only way we can help surround people with care and support is to partner with relief services or ministries that are on the ground (Gospel for Asia, World Vision, Compassion Intl, etc). That's great but it isnt the only way. Every day purchases that we make are feeding either the advocacy of people in need or the misuse of them. So you want to be a part of ending child slavery? Slavery of all kinds? Make a stand with your purchases. Perhaps its inconvenient to order online instead of walking into a store. If its saving lives and setting them free its worth it. I know you agree. By employing dads and moms in refugee and other poor communities we are defending their children.
If I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it does me no good at all. || 1 Corinthians 13:3 AMP
My husband and I are passionate about not only partnering with fair trade instead of slave labor products and brands and companies but joining hands with people and places that are intentionally setting souls as well as bodies free, bringing liberty and justice and hope in the truest form as we practically see people empowered. A great example of this is Raven + Lily -- employing women all over, including refugee women in Pakistan. Hear the founder's, Kristen Dickerson, heart on Right Now Media. Another great example is Sseko Designs. Catch a glimpse of the heartbeat of their founder, Liz, below.
We see bands or celebrities visit refugee camps or go on trips with teams that bring relief. Im thankful for the awareness their influence yields. You have an even more powerful ability to influence people than they do though. You have deeper personal connection with a few people than their wide spread connection to many has. You've taken your personal stand with your heart and mind and mouth and spending for the vulnerable, youve partnered in freedom, youve been your brothers keeper, now you can activate your sphere of influence to do the same -- one small step at a time -- just by inviting them to make the changes you are making.
Daddy God's heart is so compelled by love to go and to wrap with comfort and mighty care all the vulnerable, all the poor. He's a Dad! He loves His children! He will do anything for them. He already has done everything for them and we're His Body. He is never far from those in need. We're His hands and feet though so if we pull back from our brothers everyone suffers. We literally get to love like Jesus. Lay down the right to your own life and truly consider others as more important than yourself and serve them willingly. Carrying them in your heart and lifted in constant prayer, advocated for and not abandoned we extend help and favor to them by empowering Gospel-filled fair trade companies who are employing the vulnerable and needy.
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