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Sunday, December 30, 2012

The beauty of change... // Day Two

In our day and age there is very little job security and a certainty of change. We need to be adaptable and stop thinking that a 9-5 job that you can hold for your whole life is the same thing as "security".
This isn't a scary thing, its a beautiful thing! 
It means that I can get a job I love, that I am well suited for (not just able to do), that lets me work from home, that doesn't pay me for my time but for my results, and that doesn't require a college degree. A job that will allow me to be at home with my family, to travel, to write, to photograph, to breathe, to work hard and be creative (without having to give 40hrs a week of my precious time). While employment needs in this country will continue to change over the course of my life, there are things about me that are changeless and those things are going to shape my job, my job will not shape me.

Once again, all photos were found on Pinterest.

My life purpose is to be a wife, a mother and to care & advocate for vulnerable children. My passions are creating, sharing my heart, and travel.
How about you? Do you already do the work you love? In a world of constant change, what will remain changeless about you? I'd love to hear!

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