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Monday, October 26, 2015

Home to me //

Maybe you're not ready for a relationship. Maybe God wants to do something still. Maybe the man is great and you're great and you love each other but the timing is off because one or both of you still need to grow, or because your current purposes don't line up (different paces or locations). Maybe it's not about being a bad match but it just not being the right time or place for A match. Maybe it's not so much that you're ill prepared to love someone and live together but rather that there are things Jesus wants to do with your life that can only be done while you're still single, therefore the time isn't right, therefore you're not "ready". Welcome to my world. 

And if you're here too you know the freedom of it, the pleasure of it, the satisfaction of it, the joyful expectation of it. Jesus is more than enough and having your hope in Him is the most strengthening and freeing thing. If you're here too you know there's no place you'd rather be -- even the pleasure of a great marriage and family one day fade from your radar because you're so content for them to wait for their proper time and to simply be here, now. 

Here, now, our First Love is our only love and we know that the longer we spend with only Him the richer our someday-marriages will be -- because satisfaction in abiding in Him is the secret to satisfaction in every season and circumstance. Here, now, when our time and affections aren't prioritized on a spouse and children, they're free to be spent generously on others and to pursue the dreams He's made for us for such a time as this. If you're here too you know how glad you are not to have missed this, skipped it, or rushed through it. If you're here too you're probably one of the most eligible and desirable singles in your community but you've refused to settle for less than Gods best -- not just in match but in timing too -- and you know you've chosen the better part. We pray for our future spouse and we dream of those future babies, but we don't have to wait til we're there to experience fulness of joy, life abundant, nor do we have to have someone on our radar in order to have hope. Jesus is truly the joy and the life and He's here, now. His presence is home to me.

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