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Thursday, May 19, 2016

He is calling >>

This generation in the Body is growing in prophetic maturity. Im part of the generation. Yay!
Daddy God delights to give. Its how He is. Spiritual gifts are meant to be desired by us because He wants to give them to His kids. As obvious as it is in the title we can always stand to be reminded that gifts arent earned theyre just received. We arent entitled to them, or by them. Inheritance goes to the ones who bear the title of kin. By our born-again nature we have been titled His own flesh and are therefore the heirs of all that is His. We have received, not earned that. Gifts are for receiving, they are also for stewarding well.
So, yes. Maturing in the gift of the prophetic. Very biblical. Thank you, Jesus. Moving on.

God speaks things to me through dreams, pictures, words, and visions. Ive been learning for years to be responsible with these, to communicate them accurately, and to interpret them properly. Its been a journey. It continues to be.
A few visions I received and relayed to Luke over the past few weeks were just confirmed and interpreted through becoming tangible and real yesterday. It was really encouraging. The way that experience fed my faith and intimacy with the Lord was unexplainable. Ive been after nearness. Daddy God had given me an agenda in the month of December and it became the word over the whole year of 2016. He said, "BE WITH Me."
At the start of the year Luke and I began to talk. In the blessed unfolding we thereafter fell in love, planned our wedding, he put a ring on my finger, we got married and became one flesh. That was three wonderfully intense months of intimacy, unity, and closeness. Now we are quickly approaching two-months-in of being with each other nearly all day, every day, and learning a new level of nearness with another soul, part of which has been times of us going after God's presence together.
We're co-stewarding each other's gifts. Seeing vision fulfilled yesterday moved us deeply and knit us anew in hidden places. Last night as we went to bed I told Luke the only thing I wanted to hear as we fell asleep was Jesus, and Luke's breathing. We've watched a movie almost every night in bed and Luke had planned to do so last night as well but as soon as I said what I said, Luke scrapped that, grabbed his Bible, soaked in a passage and we turned off the lights. So simple, so powerful in unity. Momentum. Dont grieve Holy Spirit by brushing Him off in these little moments.

This morning I woke with fresh vision on something Holy Spirit had been whispering to my heart for some time and I just hadnt known how to properly speak out or discern. Im thankful for the job I have. Its amazing and its what I deeply enjoy doing. Luke is so ready for a season of working after a year of fully supported missions work and discipleship but because of the short remains of our time in this location he's only pursued odd jobs and temporary work. Its humbling to have our living expenses covered largely by my nannying job. Like my husband, I'm able-bodied and have a lot of ambition and drive. However, Ive felt a few times this month a longing to not be working a job. Remaining faithful at work and, now, my job coming swiftly to an end, Ive still been anticipating getting hired along with Luke in the coming season in our new city because that's logical when you have a lot of debt to pay off. Often times logic and calling dont line up though.
In past weeks a couple of girlfriends, all in different language, have expressed essentially the same thing: a desire not to be working right now. This morning this word was unlocked and I perceived that what is a physical manifestation in each of these four God-fearing and Holy Spirit-loving hearts is coming from a deeper spiritual shift in focus for the Bride, at large, right now.
The Bridegroom is calling His Beloved to come away with Him. To, like Martha and Mary, leave the kitchen behind in pursuit of the better thing that wont be taken from us: just sitting at the feet of the Rabbi (Master). Four hearts have caught it and while not every prophetic word begs a literal walking out, I believe that this one does and that, at least the four of us, if not many others in the Body around the world, will be that example and picture for the rest of the Church to catch this word: He just wants us to BE WITH Him.

My husband is amazing. He loves Jesus and is full of faith, willing to do anything, praying every day for Holy Spirit to possess us and blow up our experience. For however long it is meant to be, he is 100% behind me not having a job and pursuing intimacy alone with Christ. The other ladies I know have taken similar steps in faith even before sharing this word together. All of us have financial obligations or debts but Jesus is King and we arent slaves to fear. When He calls your name to leave your work and come away with Him, go. This is less about everyone in the Church quitting their jobs and more about going after unity and close fellowship with Holy Spirit whatever the cost, not waiting for tomorrow. Because look, we are all here on the earth for a purpose. We are. There is work to do and to be done. Thats a marvelous thing. An honorable thing to be involved with. We have "callings" and theyre legit. Its all about this though: reconciliation to intimacy with our Father, through the blood of His Son, for us and every other person.
He told us to "be fruitful and multiply", to "go and make disciples", but also, "apart from Me you can do nothing." Friends, without my husband I cannot conceive a child. I never became pregnant as a single, virgin woman. It wasnt possible. Without abiding in Christ, being one with Him, we will not bear fruit -- we arent able to apart from Him. So if fruit is the goal, the union must be the focus. But the radical thing is this: the union is the goal, and fruit is just the glorious, life-reproducing byproduct of it. When my husband asks me to come away with him to our bedroom I dont go because it could result in us conceiving a child, I go to BE WITH him (and yes, a child will be a beautiful, wonderful, blessed fruit of our intimacy). Church, Bride of Christ, hear His heart. He just wants you to come away with Him. Let Him wrap you in His love and fill you with Himself, whatever the cost.
“It is when you become immersed in the love of the Father that you truly begin to love like Jesus. He wants to immerse you. He wants to hold you. He wants to take you to a place where you are so far over your head in the river of God that miracles happen all around you. He wants to fill you entirely with His Holy Spirit.” 
― Heidi BakerBirthing the Miraculous: The Power of Personal Encounters with God to Change Your Life and the World

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