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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Away we go! // Day Nine, Ten and Eleven

Day Nine // Negotiating Pay

Source: via Morgan on Pinterest

Once the employer has to have you, you get to decide what you are worth. Salary isn't all you are negotiating for. "Build the package" that will help you to meet your goals. Do you want time off? Paid vacation? A company car?

Day Ten // Can you make it on your own?

Source: via Lisa on Pinterest

Chapter 10 helps you to determine whether you have what it takes to be self-employed. I am very much wired to be self-employed. It means more work than a position of employment, but it also means freedom to grow, change, fail, improve, create and strategize... Freedom to do what I believe is important with my time.

Day Eleven // Opportunity is out there

Source: via Erin on Pinterest

New Opportunities (around every corner) + ambition & action + passion to do the work = dream jobs are available and achievable!

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I've officially worked my way through the eleven chapters in "48 Days to the work you love" and now I have a little over a month to get the ball rolling. I am pointed in the right direction, excited for the future.

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